As seen in the NNBW: Smart Money: Plan for peace of mind

With so many uncertainties that can surround the future, pre-planning for your funeral can bring a certainty that will help your family feel at ease. It isn’t easy to sit down and have these conversations with your loved ones about funeral arrangements, but the peace of mind you will give to them is worth the conversation.

The benefits to your family will be real and appreciated, ranging from spiritual choices to financial assistance. From selecting an ideal permanent memorial, to designing the service, to paying in advance, you can make the day exactly as you imagine it. And your loved ones will know they’re fulfilling your wishes. Instead of getting bogged down in
details, your family will be able to focus on celebrating your life.

Rick Noel

Unforeseen expenses can cause arguments in even the most loving families when dealing with the stressor of death. Funeral services are often an unexpected expense, but they don’t have to be. You can choose to fund your pre-arranged plans now, and even if prices for various services and products increase, your family won’t have to pay more for these guaranteed items. You don’t have to pre-pay if you pre-plan, but it is the best way to take the financial burden off your family. Also, it’s important to know that your payments and plans can be adjusted later, should your wishes change over time. So, there’s nothing to regret by going through the process now. Your decisions don’t
have to be final.

Setting aside money to take care of any large, expected expense is a smart thing to do, and a funeral is no different. The key is to understand how pre-paid funeral plans work.

So how do you find what works, what doesn’t and what questions you need to ask to ensure you find the right plan for you?

What are Prepaid Funeral Plans?

A pre-paid funeral is a plan made with a funeral home that’s been paid ahead of time (a third party retains the funds until the death occurs). There are different ways to do this, depending on your preferences and financial concerns. The plans are tailored to your specific choices, but typically range from $3,000 to $15,000. You can choose to either pay in full up front or pay in monthly installments for a determined time.

In addition to the cost of the funeral, you should expect your family to later pay for additional items, such as an obituary notice, death certificates, flowers, cemetery expenses, etc., unless you choose to also include allotted amounts in your plan to apply toward these expenses.

Losing a loved one is one of life’s most painful and stressful realities but being aware of the reality of death is healthy and will help family members to cope.

Consulting a funeral professional is a prudent thing to do and affords you the opportunity to ask questions and get clarification. At Walton’s, there is no charge to seek counsel about pre-planning. The only expense would be in funding your prearrangements if you choose to do so. Even if you choose not to prepay now, it is highly recommended you at least express your wishes and keep them on file at the funeral home.

Walton’s Funerals and Cremations is one of the largest family-owned funeral home businesses in the nation, with seven locations in the northern Nevada area. Walton’s is committed to helping their local community celebrate and honor their loved ones. They provide assistance with all types of funerals and cremations, including veteran memorial services and celebration of life services.

Read more here: https://www.nnbw.com/news/2023/feb/27/smart-money-plan-for-peace-of-mind/
